From the big data economy to the green data economy.

The world’s pursuit of environmental sustainability will only be successful if there is an integration between the real world and the digital one.

In fact, the ecological revolution of the economy, in order to achieve the objectives of containing CO2 emissions and therefore of global warming within 1.5 degrees within the desired timeframe, will necessarily have to be based on new models of data acquisition, climate monitoring, its changes and the consequent effects on the communities.

It is therefore important that finance and accounting professionals evaluate the degree of suitability within a shared digital reporting environment to protect timely and verifiable data for risk assessments, compliance and scenario analysis.

The growth and consequent management of data

We create trillions of data points every day, from clicking on our mobile phones to creating documents in the cloud. According to IDC Global, the world generated 64.2 zettabytes of data in 2020 alone.

Although the flow of data is infinite, managing it effectively, analyzing it and interpreting it properly is a fundamental practice for the success of all sustainable activities. The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) found that data quality problems cost US companies more than $ 600 billion a year. In fact, incorrect data lead to wrong decisions and this has an impact on the company and, consequently, on the entire supply chain.

Most policy makers today are striving to standardize as much as possible the sustainability criteria, metrics and measures of companies, providing a clear reporting structure and an underlying digital taxonomy that allow for agile access and analysis. . The goal is to develop a global line of accepted sustainability standards that companies can refer to, thus adapting their reporting.

Where do we produce reliable data on the environment and sustainability? Widech SpA’s point of view on the world of the green data economy

Widech S.p.A. is a smart greentech company with an important focus on technologies at the service of environmental sustainability, with a development and investment strategy in the digital world as an accelerator of the energy transition.

From the very beginning, Widech has identified a bottom-up model as the most effective way to assist companies, organizations and communities that wish to measure, reduce and manage their ecological impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and in particular CO2.

Widech, interpreting the technological trends related to sensing the world, with the acquisition of various start-ups, immediately chose to integrate the two ecosystems of greentech and digital.

Widech’s point of view is to build the new data patrimony at the service of ecological transition starting from where the phenomena occur, therefore close to the processes to contribute to the creation of energy communities.

Widech’s technological ecosystem starts from data acquisition, through sensors and the environmental IoT, aiming in terms of efficiency at the resolution of local problems through robotics, automation and Edge computing, and then leaves the stakeholders at a higher level the more complex decisions.

Therefore, through this technological system that combines greentech and digital, Widech aims to respond to the needs of the market by accompanying the various realities towards an energy transition enhanced by an ecosystem of sensors, a production of punctual data, a real asset for diagnosis. All through computing infrastructures, algorithms, information and knowledge.