The IPCC report on climate change highlights that our planet is already 1.1°C warmer and health, food security, and water supply are threatened by climate change.

Currently, we are not doing enough to limit the warming to 1.5°C or 2.0°C. Global cooperation is essential in order to face this challenge, and it is crucial to act together to protect our climate and ensure a better future for all.

It’s time to take actions! We need an immediate shift towards clean energy sources and sustainable practices to rapidly and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our future and that of our planet depend on responsible choices and concrete actions.

Widech S.p.A. aims to be a key player in the transition to greentech and digitalization, contributing to ESG goals.

Our objective is to engage all stakeholders by providing real-time diagnoses and forecasts to positively influence the transition towards a sustainable future.
