It becomes necessary to measure and monitor the effect of the announced actions of companies and organizations to reduce greenhouse gases and their impact on the climate and the quality of life of citizens.

Widech is committed to the definition of a real-time or near-real-time analysis metric of the environmental impact.

Climate lawsuits around the world are a growing legal trend. The reason? Inaction in the face of risk or ineffective actions to reduce the damage.
The number of litigation related to climate change has more than doubled since 2015, reaching a total of 2,000 cases recorded worldwide, explain experts from Marsh McLennan, the world’s leading professional services firm in the field of risk, strategy and of people on the BRINK podcast.

Most of the disputes (1,426) so far – as reported in the Global trends in climate change litigation report – have landed in the courts of the United States, but there is an increase in cases in other countries, including those in the southern hemisphere. They are mostly promoted by non-governmental organizations and citizens against large fossil companies, the so-called carbon majors held responsible for climate change, due to their business of extracting and producing fossil fuels.

Of great importance are the so-called “framework” cases, ie disputes that call into question the commitments of governments on climate and energy policies. One example is the historic 2018 ruling in the Netherlands in the Dutch Urgend-State dispute, where judges ruled that the government must do more to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, thus stressing the political responsibility of rulers to protect health and the very life of citizens.

Governments and companies are often asked to adopt stricter climate standards at different levels (national regulations, individual projects, industrial chains). On some occasions, a legal dispute against climate-washing is promoted, that is the practice of greenwashing relating to climate objectives for which class action may also be seen in the future by consumer associations against these trends.

This is to all intents and purposes a deceptive practice, used as a marketing strategy by some companies to demonstrate a false commitment to the environment with the aim of capturing the attention of consumers who are attentive to sustainability, who today represent a good chunk. of public. It is done through campaigns and advertisements or in some cases even social responsibility initiatives.

Widech SpA point of view

Widech, smart greentech Company active in sustainability and energy transition projects, has long been committed – also thanks to numerous collaborations with universities and research institutes – in defining a proprietary analysis metric that, through econometric models and algorithms, measures in real time or almost the environmental impact of companies, organizations and communities.

In fact, the ecological revolution of the economy, in order to achieve the objectives of containing CO2 emissions and therefore of global warming within 1.5 degrees within the desired timeframe, will necessarily have to be based on new models of data acquisition, climate monitoring, its changes and the consequent effects on the communities with the sharing of knowledge and objectives with all stakeholders.

The digital transition and a new green data economy will provide the ground on which to discuss the quality of our environment and the corrective actions that must be taken even close to the problem, to give life to a restorative and non-compensatory environmental policy.
